I have gone crazy looking at all the blog hops going on right now and all the great work and ideas out there! I noticed that most of the blogs have many blinkies, buttons, and bling all over their page and I thought I'd let my followers know why my blog doesn't necessarily look like the others in that regard.
My goal for this blog has changed over the time I've had it and I have settled into a position in my life right now that I am only on one design team at the time, hence one button in support of that. I have the button for my site that someday will be updated :). I put up a few blog candy announcements and blog hops if I feel like it!!! For the most part I want to keep all of my space on the side columns free to bring you links to all kinds of other sites. You see I am not the most talented person on the planet (yes I know this comes as a shock to my family), I love my own style and I am just not a pioneer in the paper craft world, so I like to connect others to those who are pioneers as well as those who are newbies. All of the talent is amazing to say the least. All of it is inspiring in some way.
I like to share what I make on this blog, nudge you to be you, and have this blog feel like it is an old notebook filled with knowledge that you'd never throw away. I have so many goals, to make videos, to make more varied projects, and to showcase more complex and difficult techniques. I have thoughts to share with you and inspiration just trying to get out. This will all come in time......
So for now, few blinkies, and lots of linkies!
I need to get to bed!
Click on any of the projects in the slideshow below to view them. Scroll down the page to see my blog entries. Leave me a comment and let me know what your personal website is so I can come visit you!