My name is Jeanie and I am mostly a traditional paper crafter…card making, scrap booking, home décor….I think the best source of inspiration is nature and each other.
I love learning new techniques and then putting my own interpretation on them then help others to create…
This winter I have been on a new journey learning digital paper crafting….drawing my own accents, using my own paper and loving it. I love printing and adding things from my stash. This is one of my first pages…done in class with Jessica Sprague.
I just took a break from my digital classes and created 5 mini albums!!! Check them out at and find more ideas at the web store and connect to our face book page from the web page for more ideas. For all of those here at Natalie’s blog receive 30% off at discount code is natalie {expires April 15, 2010}. Have a great paper crafting journey today!!!! =0)